Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sometimes, You Just Have to Think Outside of the Box...

Lately, I haven't know if I've been coming or going...having my plans not work out has filled me with anxiety and I've felt as if I've been drifting at sea without a compass or an anchor... I know it's a cliche, but I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired...and I started to be able to think outside of the, here's the new direction I'm taking....and it feels good to have choices!

First, I am fixing up my house for either sale or rental...which will depend on the second....I've applied to teach English in Korea!  The first steps on this adventure have been I have to do a short video of myself to submit...practiced today, and although I was shocked by my appearance on the practice video (surely that older woman can't be ME!) , tomorrow will be a better day.  IF When I get a job there, it will be a grand adventure for a year.  I've always had "happy feet" and love to travel....I'll rent my house out and go to Korea, happily teaching English and immersing myself in a new culture....of course, I'll miss my family and friends like crazy (that's what Skype is for), but it is a win-win situation....I'll get to educate, travel, AND by living frugally, pay off a huge portion of my bills....who could ask for more?  

In the meantime, I'm still looking here in California - every day - no school districts are hiring substitutes, as they have a ready-made pool of laid off, I will be taking a training course in a couple of weeks in order to become a reading tutor through the public library system....I WILL teach, no matter where it is!  I am painting, cleaning out closets, and installing new light fixtures....I love my remodeled bathroom, and just have a few touch ups to complete it....finally!  

I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be accomplished...but, one bite at a time, I'm sure I can do it!


  1. I would so love to teach in Korea. You're going to do a wonderful job. I'm excited that you are thinking outside of the box. Good for you. Sounds like it's going to be busy but exciting as well.

  2. Congratulatns for being able to think of solutions outside the proverbial beaten path and for taking firm control over your life. I totally admire your daring and your strength. I am sure both of these qualities will be greatly rewarding for you. I wish you best of luck with all these new endeavors.

  3. A plan is a wonderful thing and yours sounds exceptional. Well done for having the imagination to step off the beaten path.

  4. Good for you. Do you need a teaching english as a foreign language qualification?
    We run a Language school in France and always ask for one, a TEFL or something similar.
    I'm sure you will love it, is it teaching children or adults?

  5. Boy girlfriend, you certainly are thinkin' out of the box! Hummmmmm, English in Korea. Do you speak the language??? Just wonderin'!

    Yes, I'm sure you CAN do it!

    God bless and enjoy your day!!!

  6. Good for you and good luck to you, dear.

    Teaching in Korea sounds like a wonderful adventure.......I think you will love the change and the challenge.

    Please don't stop blogging. Can't wait to share the new life.

  7. What a great idea!!!! Teaching in Korea would be a great adventure for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and holding positive thoughts for you.
    xo jj

  8. Keep us posted on what's happening!
    Korea or California something tells me your resourcefulness will find you a spot.

  9. hi and thanks so much for commenting on my blog post tonight. I came to check out your blog and boy am I glad I did. Your attitude is so positive I needed to hear it. I cant help but beleive you WILL be teaching and soon! Good luck with Korea, and keep that attitude of positivity!

  10. sounds like an excellent step at a time!!

  11. Right on! Good for you. I feel like I'm on the precipice of a big change. Perhaps, it's nothing more than a yearning for one...I applaud your decision to do something exciting and daring. Seriously, I think that's what my soul has been doing, poking me in the ribs and telling me to "get out there and do something different, for pete's sake!"
